Still getting the rust off. A picture taken by the talented Mr. Tah, during the Fire Your Boss Show at The Bower Poetry Club.
Last night I rolled through late to the going away party for Matt Lydon. He's moving his family out to New Hampshire.
I wrote a little top ten list to read last night.
Top Ten List Of Reasons Why Matt (Lydon) May Be Moving To New Hampshire
10. Ghosts of his checkered past have come back to haunt him.
9. Everyone knows, the ‘real’ rap recording contracts start in New Hampshire.
8. It’s time to ‘witness’ relocate.
7. Pigeons, pigeons, pigeons!
6. Bob Holman, Bob Holman, Bob Holman.
5. The Red Coats are coming! The Red Coats are coming!
4. To toilet paper the childhood homes of both Adam Sandler and Sarah Silverman.
3. If music doesn’t hit. There’s always NASCAR.
2. To find out if The Hotel New Hampshire is even remotely similar to the Hotel California.
1. Gentrification has pushed him and his loving family out of their Greenpoint neighborhood.