In my effort to get everything moving smoothly and all in one place I'm forwarding everyone thats been following to one central place. I've been using Blogger to blog for over four years. I want you guys to tune in to
www.iareconscious.com for now on. That's where all the action will be. Now that I've made my official site live on my server you'll be getting the blogging and much more. Also I'll be figuring out this whole mailing list situation. Between Reverbnation , My Php List service, Fanbridge and some new thing I signed up for, Mail Chimp I'll be getting a handle on that soon. The end all is less stress for me and easier access for you folks out there.
As always I thank you all out there reading this for your continued support. For the comments left and the interaction. I look forward to getting much done in this new year and providing more entertainment, motivation and inspiration for all those that need it. I am also inspired by the fact that there are folks out there like you that pay attention and lend honest energy to my movement even in simple actions like emails or adding my link to your site or blog. It is all appreciated.