www.betarecords.com |
Freestyle Session at WFMU 91.1FM - Conscious & Ramiz
You know what I love about Hiphop? Well, showing up for a live radio show on a friday afternoon in a state that you do not reside in only to be asked to do a freestyle session with a kat you're meeting for the first time on that same day.
Big shout to Billy Jam for inviting me out to be a guest on his show Put the Needle On the Record. You can check out the show in it's entirety below.
12/15/06 Real | MP3 |
Fazim. Dope spoken word piece...
Another Sunday Dig! Feonix ?
mp3----> Feonix
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have a lot of recordings. And for the most part I surely have things recorded that I don't remember. I was checking a spindel and found a disk that was archived in August of 2004. That's not to say that the track was recorded during that month only burned to take off of my comp.
Feonix. I don't know why I named it that. I don't know what state of mind I was in when I recorded it. All I know is I hadn't heard this since I archived it.
The track was labeled, 'Punk Smooth' by some of my associates. If I listened to everything everyone said about the music I create or generally the things I do that are not orthodox then I would never have accomplished as much as I have thus far in this life.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have a lot of recordings. And for the most part I surely have things recorded that I don't remember. I was checking a spindel and found a disk that was archived in August of 2004. That's not to say that the track was recorded during that month only burned to take off of my comp.
Feonix. I don't know why I named it that. I don't know what state of mind I was in when I recorded it. All I know is I hadn't heard this since I archived it.
The track was labeled, 'Punk Smooth' by some of my associates. If I listened to everything everyone said about the music I create or generally the things I do that are not orthodox then I would never have accomplished as much as I have thus far in this life.
Sunday archival dig. Yah dig...
Yeah I'm pretty spontaneous and spontaneously I arrived at the idea of offering up an archived track of mine every Sunday. Sorta like my sunday evening posting sans Norman Rockwell, and er uh a newspaper. Oh well forget it.
What you will get is a track from the many I've done over the years. I've recorded a whole lot, for the most part most of what you'd never hear unless you visit this blog to pick up the audio.
the first posting...
a track called Klokwerk 9 . It was suppossed to appear on a mixtape I was working on entitled, "the world is under one large scaffold, mixtape".( sorry to everyone that sent me a drop, I apprecite your contributions to this now extinct idea for a record) it never happened. I scraped the project and have a few random recordings sctattered about that have been pretty much orphaned. I'll release this one so it may find a new home on your desktop, perhaps burnt on a cdr or even added to your playlist in your ipod...
Big shot out to the dude you hear as the track begins. Dirty Harry. A great emcee / producer and more importantly a good father of 3 beautiful children.
What you will get is a track from the many I've done over the years. I've recorded a whole lot, for the most part most of what you'd never hear unless you visit this blog to pick up the audio.
the first posting...
a track called Klokwerk 9 . It was suppossed to appear on a mixtape I was working on entitled, "the world is under one large scaffold, mixtape".( sorry to everyone that sent me a drop, I apprecite your contributions to this now extinct idea for a record) it never happened. I scraped the project and have a few random recordings sctattered about that have been pretty much orphaned. I'll release this one so it may find a new home on your desktop, perhaps burnt on a cdr or even added to your playlist in your ipod...
Big shot out to the dude you hear as the track begins. Dirty Harry. A great emcee / producer and more importantly a good father of 3 beautiful children.
Klowerk 9 <---download
The Art Of Dora Morse.
I have a good friend out on the left coast named Dora Morse. I already knew she wrote some very nice poetry pieces (she even recorded a short experimental project a while ago, I ougtah bootleg it!), but I'm becoming aware now that she also has an obvious ability to create interestingly colorful visual pieces as seen in the above collage I received this afternoon via snail mail. People still communicate in that way you know. I'm going to give her a call. I think this one needs to be made into a print. What do you think ?
Photo Op?
Yeah so I'm taking pictures these days at events. Man I'm not too thrilled with this one... But it is what it is. Shot out to Talk Of New York. FreeHiphopNow.com will be interviewing these guys soon. They're doing well. Very well.

This one surely didn't have to make the site!
This one surely didn't have to make the site!
Support the troops...
As if we don’t already know how cruel and insensitive some human beings can be to one another, in this modern age of high speed internet, viral video captures this consistently on so many levels it is easy to see how there are people that give up hope on our future as a civilization. There’s some video cam footage going around currently on Youtube where we see Iraqi children chasing after a bottle of water being dangled by an American soldier from the back of unidentified military vehicle. I honestly don’t have much to say about this other then I felt like sharing something that was shared with me. What sharing this with you will do I do not know, but none the less here it goes…
Ghostly - mp3... Bored on saturday...
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
pocket watches watched us. the hole world clocked us
like sprinters in the winter we runnin outtah breath
what's left when your diginity is washed down the faucet.
eventually they bought us brought us to
the the faded end of the margin.. us words they treated we like martians..
a fueled rebellion.. willam tell them the answer to the riddle
silence in the thinking chamber.. astral plane seemingly insane but there is no danger...
i dissappeared for moment is plain site..
mental mechanic playing game with life
device unmeasured.. adulterous pleasure
there are no levers to vote with...
hands cut off... the ones you used to use to praise the most with
the ones you'd use to to toast with if you even had an occassion to do so
eyes wide like a childs open upon seeing a new snow
a new revolt.. came like a jolt in the rain and ben's kite never was electrocuted
executed words play, zombie day we all stand attention by the grave of us
be moderen slaves till we awake and break up out this maze.. today's the day.. today's
the bloody day!
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
didn't even know what was going down...
till the people heard that trumpet sound
pocket watches watched us. the hole world clocked us
like sprinters in the winter we runnin outtah breath
what's left when your diginity is washed down the faucet.
eventually they bought us brought us to
the the faded end of the margin.. us words they treated we like martians..
a fueled rebellion.. willam tell them the answer to the riddle
silence in the thinking chamber.. astral plane seemingly insane but there is no danger...
i dissappeared for moment is plain site..
mental mechanic playing game with life
device unmeasured.. adulterous pleasure
there are no levers to vote with...
hands cut off... the ones you used to use to praise the most with
the ones you'd use to to toast with if you even had an occassion to do so
eyes wide like a childs open upon seeing a new snow
a new revolt.. came like a jolt in the rain and ben's kite never was electrocuted
executed words play, zombie day we all stand attention by the grave of us
be moderen slaves till we awake and break up out this maze.. today's the day.. today's
the bloody day!
... the sun
I found strength in my brothers, though not of blood relation. We held a bond through universal truth. How we located one another is another story within itself. We’ll eventually get to that but for now I must record the details of my current feelings.
As if heaven were on earth, a blanket of warm undisturbed peace covered i during my session absorbing the sun’s rays. For some time I’d been ‘refueling’ as I would ultimately come to label this experience. As children we’d been warned of the dangers of staring into the sun, similar to the myth of staring into the television set. These actions were to surely weaken your vision if not blind you, but its obvious these ideas held no truth. I can see, and quite well mind you. Call me the man with x ray eyes, only I learned to control them unlike that poor fellow in the old black and white sci-fi thriller. Never would I pluck mine own eyes from their sockets.
Playstation 3.
A Model's Life? MP3
A little something to check out...
Minute mp3
termites iceskating on yahface tear drops turn to jewels cause yah ice cold crewl dirty diva with a cleaver, grimm reaper in drag... lightin up a fag outside of yo flat pacman calluses, bounced checks, and balances on beams, a queen with ultra sheen vibrations, from the tie die rides and spilt libations, but you suppossed to pour it notches on your head board, how do we score it... I don't know but it sure ain't no dominoes, you could catch cold, you should close up them open toes... posin with a runny nose... cute I supposse in the mind of a pedophile... walkin single file.. dead woman walkin talkin reckless... peep wolves on the runway this ain't A & E or Bravo far as I know pretty broads, get scarred in the wilds of survival...
Minute mp3
termites iceskating on yahface tear drops turn to jewels cause yah ice cold crewl dirty diva with a cleaver, grimm reaper in drag... lightin up a fag outside of yo flat pacman calluses, bounced checks, and balances on beams, a queen with ultra sheen vibrations, from the tie die rides and spilt libations, but you suppossed to pour it notches on your head board, how do we score it... I don't know but it sure ain't no dominoes, you could catch cold, you should close up them open toes... posin with a runny nose... cute I supposse in the mind of a pedophile... walkin single file.. dead woman walkin talkin reckless... peep wolves on the runway this ain't A & E or Bravo far as I know pretty broads, get scarred in the wilds of survival...
Mos Def - Ghetto Rock
Mos Def-Ghetto Rock
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Didi yall forget about this one. Did you even see it to begin with. A simply nice little video presentation. Nuff Respect Mighty Mos!
Add to My Profile | More Videos
Didi yall forget about this one. Did you even see it to begin with. A simply nice little video presentation. Nuff Respect Mighty Mos!
Fast. Day 3
Yeah well everything smells extra good. Didn't realize how much advertising there is for food.
The fast begins.
Yes, yesterday I offically began my fast. I'm doing the Master Cleanse thing. Aiming for 10 days. As the year draws close to an end I'm feeling the need for attention. I'm booking more shows and launching some new situations. I need to be in better shape. It's time to detox my body.
As you read this consider your own health please and think about being even healthier. I urge all that I'm within reach of to make efforts to perserve and strengthen their lives through proper diet and exercise. Also, by embracing those things that are positive. We can shine brightly, healing ourselves and those we interact with.
As you read this consider your own health please and think about being even healthier. I urge all that I'm within reach of to make efforts to perserve and strengthen their lives through proper diet and exercise. Also, by embracing those things that are positive. We can shine brightly, healing ourselves and those we interact with.
Shut Up already and make music. Can you ?
Have underground artists become so consumed with the atrocity that is mainstream Hip-Pop that they have been reduced to merely making records complianing about the mainstream? This is a rant of some sorts because what I'm personally tired of is hearing all the reasons why underground artists can't get any love and how terrible mainstream music has become. At any point do the complainers every consider perhaps making some good music theirselves to create a counterbalance? Would it be hard to focus on being better at your craft and taking it as serious as those that seriously make crap for the money. When you write songs who do write them for ? Obviously not for anyone to enjoy. Who's suppossed to enjoy complaining and whining to poorly mastered tracks anyway? Underground doesn't mean wack. But it's apparant that, that's what people are thinking. Another thing, how about we all stop trynah teach everyone this great lesson and take some time to learn somethings ourselves. What does self righteous mean? And how can I improve on what I'm doing. Or maybe do I even need to be doing this?
I'll be back with more, that was a random one because I just listened to two records where I just couldn't take the whole you need to do this, they need to do that business any longer.
I'll be back with more, that was a random one because I just listened to two records where I just couldn't take the whole you need to do this, they need to do that business any longer.
Magazine Release, Album Release & Performance.
Beyond Race Magazine is having a release party for their Nov/Dec issue of which there is a review of my album Neo Retro Spectro Graphiks Vol.1. Suggestion. Be there. Get the mag. Get the album. Nuff Said.
Cleopatra Jones why did you leave?
In 2001 I released a song entitled 'Basketball Jones' (which if you already know me I shouldn't have to tell you, anyway) In my first line I mention her. If you ask me she was quite serious. Definition of strong black womanhood with a fierce kungfu kick.
'Basketball Jones' off the album Pagan: 1st Movement 1968 (2001) Eklektic Gardens
'Original Radio Spot' for the feature Cleopatra Jones.
'Cleopatra Jones Theme Song' Joe Simon with The Mainstreeters
Conscious Blog Spot: Neo Retro Spectro Graphiks Vol.1 Soon Come !
Conscious Blog Spot: Neo Retro Spectro Graphiks Vol.1 Soon Come !
Hey if you never checked it out ist's not going anywhere so you can still download it or buy it at conscious bootleggers. Thanks for checking it pray2d, I'm happy you enjoyed it. Look for more new music and check out the ringtones folks.
Hey if you never checked it out ist's not going anywhere so you can still download it or buy it at conscious bootleggers. Thanks for checking it pray2d, I'm happy you enjoyed it. Look for more new music and check out the ringtones folks.
This Morning I Picked Up...
Took a walk this morning to pick up a package from the post office. It was a shirt the folks at Current tv sent me. Took'em long enough. On the way back home I passed by a couple tables covered in old paperbacks and hard covers and decided to take a look. This is what I picked up.
The Bostonians is a novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in The Century Magazine in 1885-1886 and then as a book in 1886. This bittersweet tragicomedy centers on an odd triangle of characters: Basil Ransom, an unbending political conservative from Mississippi; Olive Chancellor, Ransom's cousin and a zealous Boston feminist; and Verena Tarrant, a pretty protege of Olive's in the feminist movement. The storyline concerns the contest between Ransom and Olive for Verena's allegiance and affection, though the novel also includes a wide panorama of political activists, newspaper people, and quirky eccentrics.
Although all set in Dublin and focused upon the themes of death, disease and paralysis throughout, Dubliners is a collection of short stories only interconnected by symbols and moods. They are not as bleak as their themes suggest, at least not in all cases, and are often heartening in their subtle evocations of experience common to all. The collection was published after numerous hassles from publishers and almost a decade after they were written, in 1914. It is hard now to see the innovation in Joyce’s construction of stories that are not based on the contrived set-ups familiar from nineteenth century short stories (Maupassant, Poe etc) and the way in which he avoids precise beginnings or ends to present instead an ‘epiphany’ or spiritual awakening. The Dublin portrayed in the short stories is usually grimy and full of cynical and indecent individuals. From this gleam a few thinking individuals who the author seems to side with. They are generally the sensitive or young ones, and the adult world is often seen as foolish, futile and unpleasant (see "The Boarding House" or "Ivy Day in the Committee Room"). These stories are easily Joyce’s most accessible works, and their vision of a composite life created around a chronological sampling of Dublin lives from youth to age is still both amusing, moving and serious. http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/29/63/frameset.html

Although all set in Dublin and focused upon the themes of death, disease and paralysis throughout, Dubliners is a collection of short stories only interconnected by symbols and moods. They are not as bleak as their themes suggest, at least not in all cases, and are often heartening in their subtle evocations of experience common to all. The collection was published after numerous hassles from publishers and almost a decade after they were written, in 1914. It is hard now to see the innovation in Joyce’s construction of stories that are not based on the contrived set-ups familiar from nineteenth century short stories (Maupassant, Poe etc) and the way in which he avoids precise beginnings or ends to present instead an ‘epiphany’ or spiritual awakening. The Dublin portrayed in the short stories is usually grimy and full of cynical and indecent individuals. From this gleam a few thinking individuals who the author seems to side with. They are generally the sensitive or young ones, and the adult world is often seen as foolish, futile and unpleasant (see "The Boarding House" or "Ivy Day in the Committee Room"). These stories are easily Joyce’s most accessible works, and their vision of a composite life created around a chronological sampling of Dublin lives from youth to age is still both amusing, moving and serious. http://www.bibliomania.com/0/0/29/63/frameset.html

The Old Man and the Sea is a novella by Ernest Hemingway written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works, it centers upon an aging Cuban fisherman who struggles with a giant marlin far out in the Gulf Stream. Though it has been the subject of disparate criticism, it is noteworthy in twentieth century fiction and in Hemingway's canon, reaffirming his worldwide literary prominence and significant in his selection for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
An Emcee & a DJ Converse about AZ
Conscious: You know what I appreciate about AZ ?
Conscious: Dude has stayed him throughout.
Audio1: Yea man...
Audio1: Unnoticed longevity.
Audio1: Like everyone talking about everyone else. People done beefed, died and shit. He always stayed AZ. I still rock "Sugar Hill" on ocassion.
Audio1: or some old Firm business.
Audio1: You're right.
Audio1: Word up...
Conscious: Dude has stayed him throughout.
Audio1: Yea man...
Audio1: Unnoticed longevity.
Audio1: Like everyone talking about everyone else. People done beefed, died and shit. He always stayed AZ. I still rock "Sugar Hill" on ocassion.
Audio1: or some old Firm business.
Audio1: You're right.
Audio1: Word up...
I Gotcha
Okay Lupe you got some points back for this one. Got a Tribe vibe to it. Almost sounds like it was originally suppossed to be on that Q Tip album Dilla produced. Shot out to the F.H.F [Fiasco Haters Fanclub] out there. Hope one day you all find something more constructive to do with yourselves.
Tuna recipe #4...
What you'll need:
Of course Tuna. Let's go with 2 cans of solid white in water. (You can do one can in oil one in water. Don't ask me why. I'm just saying you can. It's up to you.)
Now what do you add to your tuna for seasoning. I for one have various ideas of what your basic tuna taste variations can be. There's a sweet, a garlicy, a spicey and what I would call a well seasoned. Tuna recipe #4 is well seasoned and borders on spicey.
Drain those cans. Empty them out in a pretty bowl. Or any container that's large of enough for you to mix your ingredients in with out making a mess of your counter.
Now you need a bit of Ken's Steakhouse Zesty Italian dressing. I think I used about a little more then a quarter of a bottle. (Don't you love the way I measure?) Mix that in with your tuna well and make sure that you get those solid chucks broken down proper. Now, I have issues with tuna being too dry and being too soggy. So since we already have Ken's dressing in there it's already pretty wet... Sparingly add your choice of mayonnaise or 'white' dressing. Last time I made Tuna # 4 I had some Miracle Whip in the fridge so I used that. 2 heaping tablespoons should do just fine. I call myself combating some of that wet by using of a fair amount of ground black pepper. If you have a little pepper mill and grind whole black peppercorns then that's even better (A little white pepper corn in there would be a nice added bonus), besides, what's tuna without black pepper to begin with? 2 teaspoons of ground mustard. 2 fork fulls of grated horse radish. And there we have it. I'm big on wheat bread and I suggest you be big on it too. Arnold's is my choice when it comes to multi-grain loaves and they have some very nice country white if you just have to have it. Oh yes how could I forget. A nice ripe tomato slice accompanied by you favorite green leaf lettuce. You can even top that with a slice of onion. Toasted bread if you wish. I think that's about it for Tuna #4. Perhaps we'll work backward and I'll post #'s 3,2 and 1 in the future.
The Sterilization of Lupe Fiasco...
Anyway I was listening to this Pressure track sent to me by the one and only J. Coleman and his rather unbalanced record pool. Yeah I said it. It's unbalanced. But surely I'm not hatin. And I can't help but sit here rather puzzled as I hear what seems to be a rather souless Lupe compared to the one I heard on Trials & Tribulations over the same track. Listen and tell me what you think.
Trials & Tribulations
Pressure ft. Jay Z
About Leftist

In a conversation with emcee, Hired Gun he had this to say about our friend Leftist. "I know that he had an energy and zest for life that was amazing. It's rare you find someone who will not be stopped.He always struck me as someone who wouldn't take no for an answer...he always had a "bright" side to a situation when I spoke to him. At least in my dealing with him, much didn't seem to get him down. He wasn't unrealistic or a pollyanna, just knew that everything had an opportunity waiting within it...no matter the situation.He struck me as a very positive thinking person. And committed. Mindspray is like that in general, I give them a lot of respect for that."
My last conversation with Leftist was a good one as they've always been. I'll remember his smile and his general enthusiasm for creating music and collaborating with his Mindspray brothers
and anyone that came into this circle of artists here in NY. I appreciated his support for me and as an artist. I could always expect an out reached hand anytime I came off a stage along with a few words of encouragement about what I was capable of doing up there.
I send my condolences to members of the Leftist family whether blood or not. Dry your eyes folks. I doubt he'd want you to be crying now.
My last conversation with Leftist was a good one as they've always been. I'll remember his smile and his general enthusiasm for creating music and collaborating with his Mindspray brothers
and anyone that came into this circle of artists here in NY. I appreciated his support for me and as an artist. I could always expect an out reached hand anytime I came off a stage along with a few words of encouragement about what I was capable of doing up there.
I send my condolences to members of the Leftist family whether blood or not. Dry your eyes folks. I doubt he'd want you to be crying now.
Friday Night In Brooklyn: Sept. 8th
So I'm displaying some pieces during this event at Asterisk in BK this week, accompanied by another fine artist that goes by the name of Demo. The flyer is below. If you've yet to see any of my work in person, you oughtah swing by.
A message from Domer about the event.
So this is it... the big party we've all been waiting for. We're very lucky to have west coast lap-hop pioneer and recent Ninja Tune signee Daedelus gracing us with his amazing musical party-in-a-box, and we have a full night of other brilliant acts too. Live instruments mixed with samplers and looping, beats made on a gameboy, rapping from space... we got it all.. Seriously DO NOT miss this one!
1:00 Daedelus (myspace.com/DaedelusDarling)
12:00 Eliot Lipp (myspace.com/eliotlipp)
11:00 Brokendomer feat Bubblyfish (myspace.com/brokendomer + myspace.com/bubblyfishmusic)
10:00 mon.key.pod (myspace.com/monkeypodduo)
D Spliff on the decks all night. $7 door, L train to MONTROSE, walk a block downhill on bushwick to JOHNSON. Left on Johnson to #258 on the right under the illuminated *.
Drop a line if you've got any questions... this show is gonna be crazy!
The Story Begins.
They stood in darkness. Two beings without names. Silent but understanding their future more then they could ever possibly understand their past. In the drafty measure between life and death. The colorless idea of chance that blazes trails for ever evolving occurances affected by only natures bizzare hands, they took their first steps side by side with a mute mutual pulse of love and optimisim.
August 6th
Hey people.
I'm thrilled to say that I am a featured artist during Allhiphop Week, contributing two pieces for an art show tribute to Gordon Parks on Sunday August 6th. If you can make it out it would be great to see you guys. There are so many people on my list that I want to introduce to one another. I know so many great folks that need to know each other. (I even think my mother's coming. Ha ha.) I look forward to seeing you all there. Check out my pieces below. And more information about the event.
Piece #1
Name: Beautiful
Medium: Acrylic on canvas.
Dimensions: 24X36
Sale Price: 750.00
Piece #2
Name: Red And Gold Stains
Medium: Acrylic & ? on Wood
Dimensions: 23.25X28.25
Sale Price: 825.00
Artist List
Jackson Brown
Charnier Corey
Amanda Diva
Elan Fergusan
D. Lammie Hanson
Heather Hunter
Zenobia Morrow
Bellinger Moye
Christopher Questel
Nathaniel Roberts
Kay Slay
Charnier Corey
Amanda Diva
Elan Fergusan
D. Lammie Hanson
Heather Hunter
Zenobia Morrow
Bellinger Moye
Christopher Questel
Nathaniel Roberts
Kay Slay
AHH Week will present an afternoon of urban culture with a Sunday afternoon art exhibit that pays tribute to the convergence of Hip Hop and the visual arts. A select number of artists will be invited to showcase their works in a variety of mediums – oils, watercolors, graphite, acrylic, sculpture, graffiti, etc. – within a loft like gallery environment. The afternoon will highlight the artistic works that speak to the Hip Hop phenomenon, complimented by a special dedication to legendary photographer, Gordon Parks. Other event elements include a live artistic rendering executed onsite.
Sunday, August 6
2PM – 6PM
Nubian Heritage
2037 Fifth Avenue @ 126th Street
Harlem NYC
500 Attendees
$10 donation requested at the door; proceeds benefit the newly created Gordon Parks Foundation
Open To Public Until Max Capacity Reached
Finally A Podcast... A Real Rough One Done in The Wee Hours...

Yep I finally did a Podcast. I wanted to toss some good music to your willing eager ears. I know you're all receptive and for that I am proud. Bare in mind this was a first for me. The future podcast will be much better. You can't always start from the top.
Here's a run down of what you'll hear this time around.
Jimmy Cliff - Limbo - The Harder They Come
Scot Joplin - Pineapple Rag
Sum Kid - Pokerface
Stevie Wonder - Upset Stomach
Nujabes feat. Shing 02 - Battlecry
Blue Magic - Right Track
Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made of Sand
Broken Domer - Media Circus
Eklektic Gardens - Happy Babby
Me'Shell Ndegéocello - Love Song # 1
Alice Smith - Dreams
H.D. - Writer's Block
Rockwell - Peeping Tom
Idle Mirth - Disenchanted
Johnny Cash - Old Chunk Of Coal
Contact Us at podcast(@)iareconscious.com
Organizing Your Confusion...

This right here is like one of my most favorite hiphop albums ever. CRUSH KILL DESTROY STRESS!
"The Extinction Agenda"
You gottah cop this if you can still find a copy.
Seperation of Powers: Album Release Party.
I definitely appreciated very much so the invitation to be a guest painter at this celebration of 3rd Party's most recent album release. The photos that follow are by a young man by the name of Richie Thomassen
Roy Ayers is the greatest!
Here's "Running Away" off of The Best Of Roy Ayers. I'm a kind of bothered by the fact that 'Everybody Loves The Sunshine' isn't present on this compilation of Ayers hits.
Once again, Chasing.Red drops a 'righteous' bomb on us with this download. A mighty thumbs up!
Album: The Best of Roy Ayers by Roy Ayers
They don't make'em like they used to.
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