How far do we go back? A few years. I’d say 02-03. Back when I used to host an event called Hiphop Affair in
Cedric Butler: RIP Ced...
This snippet has no name…

Alright so I was writing again. You know what I do, I make a loop, I write to that loop. This right here is basically I think easy to decipher. It’s talking about… well you figure it out…
only a matter uh time for we make it to the finished line
sitting here lookin a picture of your flawless design
been workin the mines for a long time, a long wait
diggin in the crates, needle down deliverin fate…
what does it take to make the voices stop echoin
I’m trynah get settled in… black is what the pot kettled them
Excedrin, or music soothin savage beast
midnight run cut brief, infiltrated by the thought police
call me logan slowly downloading, mp3 endcoding
hard drive, wise exploding expose-in truth…
caught up in the grooves, amused by your muse
where they say the grass is greener it’s actually brown…
it’s underground, is what I have found
and for that fact I’m in love with her sound…
My Interview with Real Hot Blog Squad - Full Length...
1 Tell us more about the album Neo-Retro Spectro Graphiks Vol. 1 and some of the producers/artists you worked with.
The record basically compiles over five years of music from various released and unreleased albums. There's music on there from projects that never saw completion. Some pieces are simply journal entries, which honestly I'd say mostly all of the music and or poetry I create are. As far as physically working with producers there are only two I actually did work with. Borgoe from Amsterdam on Love 007 which was brought to me by Nixx P, a good friend and talented being. He was getting tracks from Borgoe for some of his projects and let Tzo and I know about this one he had a concept for. We put together what you end up hearing on the cd. Took me a while to actually figure my verse, I didn't want to be corny and name drop, took a minute for it to come to me. It may be one of my favorite verses I've written to date. I.R Producer a kat from the label Eklektic Gardens I'll be making official this year, makes interesting stuff… 45 King, had a dope loop on his site. I took it. Everything else that I didn't produce myself I just used at some point because it moved me to write. Something that I battled with and convinced myself not to be any longer concerned with is trying to prove my level of diversity through the music, sprinkling different attributes throughout this LP. People tend to think they have you figured out on first listen, (rightly so in most cases these days, quite a number of mainstream, independent and underground artists simply are not much to figure out) with me they actually don't. I'm not even recording or producing the music that is in my head right now. Nor have I even recorded the piles of music I already have written to. I have archives of finished and unfinished material that at some point will see the light and be shared. I made this record because people can't wait to hear what I will have available. I needed something to walk with and hit people off with at shows and while I'm networking in various circles. It's a taste of the past, present and future things to come. Oh and one last thing. I don't collaborate a whole lot. If I'm on a track with an artist it's because I respect what they do and feel confident in their abilities.
2. What's your favorite track on the album and why?
Why do interviewers always ask questions like that? Let's see. That's a hard one. I'm tired of listening to me. Okay, I guess I'd go with the song, 'Type' over that MF Doom track. I think partly because just now, long after writing the verse which was actually a keystyle I typed in an IM box (that's how I came up with the title…) I'm starting to pick up on what subconsciously was being said. Sometimes I go back and listen to old stuff. There are lessons for me in there. There's life in music.That verse I think may epitomize the method in which I've been creating for years now. I also remember enjoying every aspect of putting it together.
3. How would you describe your sound?
Eclectic. Uncontrived. Stream of conscious. A combination of soul, spoken-word, slang spoketry.
4. The song, "Don't Make Me Angry", has a poetic feel to it, how did the song come about?
I made the simplest loop. Some drums, tossed in that familiar Bill Bixby sample from the show, 'The Incredible Hulk' I watched as a kid. The chorus slightly touches on the fact once again that people think they have you figured out. Only this time it's not with the music it's with your temperament and how you may react to things. They make assumptions about you based on perhaps your music or outward demeanor not realizing that at any moment if given the cause you are capable of smiting them. Ha ha. Another thing with the chorus it's on speaking having the potential to do things at a younger age. As a kid you can do but so much on your own. You need some guidance from guardians. They are responsible for shaping you and giving you as much direction to aide your forward progression. Preparing you for what you may possibly face in the world. Though every single angle can not be covered I'm sure. I was dope on the keyboard as a youth. I taught myself to read music early and could play by ear. It was always said, he's so good. I never got those lessons that were always mentioned, that I would need for proper re-enforcement of that talent and knowledge I already had. I'm not upset. I just used that as an example to describe something that happens. And I could have boxed with someone in my corner…
5. Are you ever afraid of fans not being able to identify with your music or not accepting it?
Nope. Not in the least. For one, I cover a lot of ground in what I'm capable of putting out for the ears of the masses. Everything isn't meant for everyone either. The last thing I'm going to do is worry about music. If I had to worry about expressing myself then there would be no point in the action. I'm not going to reach every being on the planet and I'm fine with it. I focus on just reaching out. That's all that matters. Also putting forth a quality effort.
6. What message or what are you trying to say with your music that hasn't been said in hiphop already?
Honestly,there's nothing new under the sun. Everything's been said whether or not it's been heard is the true question. I make an attempt to just be creative. I consider myself using the sound vibrations I create to affect changes in the world that surrounds me. At times putting smiles on faces, encouraging and empowering individuals that listen, ultimately, opening doors to new channels of thought for folks to walk through if they choose. Through this form of expression I share productive energy, become sharper and intend on sharpening others. And it's not in the manner where I feel like I'm mister great Zen well of knowledge, I'm just sharing what I do know and some of what I don't know it's all for the good; for the benefit of my fellow man/woman. Ha ha.
7. Describe that time and place where you knew you wanted to become an MC.
I think it was in 2000 or 2001. Where, who knows? Can't really explain it. Felt it. Did it. Do it now. I will continue, until I stop.
8. What's your long term goal as an MC?
To continue to making good music. Be innovative and make progressive tunes. Contribute positively to the history of this great auditory science. Teach and instruct people of different ages and backgrounds in a classroom setting about the craft.
Bare in mind being an emcee does not encompass every cell of my being. I'm a renaissance artist. I Are 100% Pure Rokstar. [See]
9. Who are some of the artist's Conscious is bumping right now?
Sum Majere a.k.a. Sumkid or Sum for short. I'd have to say one of the most outstanding emcees I've ever heard. I'm blessed to have him as a friend and an inspiration to keep creating. The dude is an amazing writer and lyricists. Style is incredibly sophisticated in complexity and simplicity if that makes any sense. He's the type of person you listen to and then re evaluate how you're doing what you do. I believe he represents within his music a high standard of honestly, quality and all those great adjectives we use to describe greatness.
Clandestine. Just started listening to these young dudes.. They're something serious man. Talk about inspiring and forward thinking lyrics. And not in that self righteous manner like some artists deemed, 'Conscious'. As far as I'm concerned conscious means aware. If you sell crack or pimp whores, you are conscious of that. If you sell oil on two fitfth. You are conscious of that. Self righteousness is a total dumbs down. Humble yahself bredren!
10. Beef seems to equal album sales now-a-days in hiphop. Do you think all the beef between artist brings hiphop down?
It is what it is. I don't believe that it 'brings hiphop down'. I honestly don't put too much thought in it. I really feel that if we shift focus and shed light on the other side of things then that is more effective in balancing out what 'represents' the culture. What I think folks that are a part of this culture of hiphop fail to consider is that everyone involved is responsible for the goings on within this thing. There's too much blame pushing and complaining, less effective self evaluation. Not to say that you can't be upset when you feel that your art form is not represented in the light you feel it should. But you gottah ask yourself what do I do that changes that. Be the change you want to see in the world. And if your world is hiphop simply be that. You gottah embrace the aspects that need to be embraced. It's our neglect and failure to be responsible for our art if anything that 'brings hiphop down'. I have conversations with people often about the importance of documenting everything we do. Bring your cameras to shows. Take pictures. Get footage. Use the technology we have to show and prove that greatness that comes from this massive entity that is Hiphop. There are two types of people in this world. Those that make things happen… and the rest. Stop being the rest. I personally refuse to be the rest.
11. With all of the downloading of music from the internet, album sales will probably never be the same. What do you think needs to be done about this?
Music is supposed to be free ain't it?
12. How do you feel about the RIAA's bust on DJ Drama?
I honestly haven't arrived at much of an opinion or thought too keenly about the situation I've only read tidbits about. Just seems he's another pawn in this madness that greedy corporate entities have created. It's like The cops that take money from drug dealers and number runners and act like everything is cool. Then at any given moment can go oh yeah you're under arrest I'm taking you in.
13. Do you think there should be more conferences for hiphop artists, dj's, and labels geared toward the betterment of hiphop?
I think it would be great. But I think it's hardly about what I think though. Like responsibility, pertaining to hiphop and life in general is firstly a personal thing. If we refine ourselves and our neighbors it will reflect in the music. The music is a mirror of where we are as people anyway. What we feel. What we have to say. In order for there to be progress within the art we do need communication between the likes of artist labels and DJ's and everyone else involved.
14. Over the years the hiphop culture has had a powerful impact on society. Rappers Jay- Z, 50 cent, and others have solidified other business careers outside of music. Do you think hiphop artists are doing enough for the culture that made their other business careers possible?
Some do. Some don't. I can't really say what anyone else should do. I think some though don't realize what's capable of being done while others don't really care. That's just the nature of man. All I can do is show and prove through my actions. That's what I'm most concerned about. Refining me. Being in control of the history I create for myself through my actions that in turn have an affect on those I interact with both knowingly and unknowingly.
I appreciate your questions.
I enjoyed answering them.
I thank you for the opportunity to express these ideas and thoughts.
The record basically compiles over five years of music from various released and unreleased albums. There's music on there from projects that never saw completion. Some pieces are simply journal entries, which honestly I'd say mostly all of the music and or poetry I create are. As far as physically working with producers there are only two I actually did work with. Borgoe from Amsterdam on Love 007 which was brought to me by Nixx P, a good friend and talented being. He was getting tracks from Borgoe for some of his projects and let Tzo and I know about this one he had a concept for. We put together what you end up hearing on the cd. Took me a while to actually figure my verse, I didn't want to be corny and name drop, took a minute for it to come to me. It may be one of my favorite verses I've written to date. I.R Producer a kat from the label Eklektic Gardens I'll be making official this year, makes interesting stuff… 45 King, had a dope loop on his site. I took it. Everything else that I didn't produce myself I just used at some point because it moved me to write. Something that I battled with and convinced myself not to be any longer concerned with is trying to prove my level of diversity through the music, sprinkling different attributes throughout this LP. People tend to think they have you figured out on first listen, (rightly so in most cases these days, quite a number of mainstream, independent and underground artists simply are not much to figure out) with me they actually don't. I'm not even recording or producing the music that is in my head right now. Nor have I even recorded the piles of music I already have written to. I have archives of finished and unfinished material that at some point will see the light and be shared. I made this record because people can't wait to hear what I will have available. I needed something to walk with and hit people off with at shows and while I'm networking in various circles. It's a taste of the past, present and future things to come. Oh and one last thing. I don't collaborate a whole lot. If I'm on a track with an artist it's because I respect what they do and feel confident in their abilities.
2. What's your favorite track on the album and why?
Why do interviewers always ask questions like that? Let's see. That's a hard one. I'm tired of listening to me. Okay, I guess I'd go with the song, 'Type' over that MF Doom track. I think partly because just now, long after writing the verse which was actually a keystyle I typed in an IM box (that's how I came up with the title…) I'm starting to pick up on what subconsciously was being said. Sometimes I go back and listen to old stuff. There are lessons for me in there. There's life in music.That verse I think may epitomize the method in which I've been creating for years now. I also remember enjoying every aspect of putting it together.
3. How would you describe your sound?
Eclectic. Uncontrived. Stream of conscious. A combination of soul, spoken-word, slang spoketry.
4. The song, "Don't Make Me Angry", has a poetic feel to it, how did the song come about?
I made the simplest loop. Some drums, tossed in that familiar Bill Bixby sample from the show, 'The Incredible Hulk' I watched as a kid. The chorus slightly touches on the fact once again that people think they have you figured out. Only this time it's not with the music it's with your temperament and how you may react to things. They make assumptions about you based on perhaps your music or outward demeanor not realizing that at any moment if given the cause you are capable of smiting them. Ha ha. Another thing with the chorus it's on speaking having the potential to do things at a younger age. As a kid you can do but so much on your own. You need some guidance from guardians. They are responsible for shaping you and giving you as much direction to aide your forward progression. Preparing you for what you may possibly face in the world. Though every single angle can not be covered I'm sure. I was dope on the keyboard as a youth. I taught myself to read music early and could play by ear. It was always said, he's so good. I never got those lessons that were always mentioned, that I would need for proper re-enforcement of that talent and knowledge I already had. I'm not upset. I just used that as an example to describe something that happens. And I could have boxed with someone in my corner…
5. Are you ever afraid of fans not being able to identify with your music or not accepting it?
Nope. Not in the least. For one, I cover a lot of ground in what I'm capable of putting out for the ears of the masses. Everything isn't meant for everyone either. The last thing I'm going to do is worry about music. If I had to worry about expressing myself then there would be no point in the action. I'm not going to reach every being on the planet and I'm fine with it. I focus on just reaching out. That's all that matters. Also putting forth a quality effort.
6. What message or what are you trying to say with your music that hasn't been said in hiphop already?
Honestly,there's nothing new under the sun. Everything's been said whether or not it's been heard is the true question. I make an attempt to just be creative. I consider myself using the sound vibrations I create to affect changes in the world that surrounds me. At times putting smiles on faces, encouraging and empowering individuals that listen, ultimately, opening doors to new channels of thought for folks to walk through if they choose. Through this form of expression I share productive energy, become sharper and intend on sharpening others. And it's not in the manner where I feel like I'm mister great Zen well of knowledge, I'm just sharing what I do know and some of what I don't know it's all for the good; for the benefit of my fellow man/woman. Ha ha.
7. Describe that time and place where you knew you wanted to become an MC.
I think it was in 2000 or 2001. Where, who knows? Can't really explain it. Felt it. Did it. Do it now. I will continue, until I stop.
8. What's your long term goal as an MC?
To continue to making good music. Be innovative and make progressive tunes. Contribute positively to the history of this great auditory science. Teach and instruct people of different ages and backgrounds in a classroom setting about the craft.
Bare in mind being an emcee does not encompass every cell of my being. I'm a renaissance artist. I Are 100% Pure Rokstar. [See]
9. Who are some of the artist's Conscious is bumping right now?
Sum Majere a.k.a. Sumkid or Sum for short. I'd have to say one of the most outstanding emcees I've ever heard. I'm blessed to have him as a friend and an inspiration to keep creating. The dude is an amazing writer and lyricists. Style is incredibly sophisticated in complexity and simplicity if that makes any sense. He's the type of person you listen to and then re evaluate how you're doing what you do. I believe he represents within his music a high standard of honestly, quality and all those great adjectives we use to describe greatness.
Clandestine. Just started listening to these young dudes.. They're something serious man. Talk about inspiring and forward thinking lyrics. And not in that self righteous manner like some artists deemed, 'Conscious'. As far as I'm concerned conscious means aware. If you sell crack or pimp whores, you are conscious of that. If you sell oil on two fitfth. You are conscious of that. Self righteousness is a total dumbs down. Humble yahself bredren!
10. Beef seems to equal album sales now-a-days in hiphop. Do you think all the beef between artist brings hiphop down?
It is what it is. I don't believe that it 'brings hiphop down'. I honestly don't put too much thought in it. I really feel that if we shift focus and shed light on the other side of things then that is more effective in balancing out what 'represents' the culture. What I think folks that are a part of this culture of hiphop fail to consider is that everyone involved is responsible for the goings on within this thing. There's too much blame pushing and complaining, less effective self evaluation. Not to say that you can't be upset when you feel that your art form is not represented in the light you feel it should. But you gottah ask yourself what do I do that changes that. Be the change you want to see in the world. And if your world is hiphop simply be that. You gottah embrace the aspects that need to be embraced. It's our neglect and failure to be responsible for our art if anything that 'brings hiphop down'. I have conversations with people often about the importance of documenting everything we do. Bring your cameras to shows. Take pictures. Get footage. Use the technology we have to show and prove that greatness that comes from this massive entity that is Hiphop. There are two types of people in this world. Those that make things happen… and the rest. Stop being the rest. I personally refuse to be the rest.
11. With all of the downloading of music from the internet, album sales will probably never be the same. What do you think needs to be done about this?
Music is supposed to be free ain't it?
12. How do you feel about the RIAA's bust on DJ Drama?
I honestly haven't arrived at much of an opinion or thought too keenly about the situation I've only read tidbits about. Just seems he's another pawn in this madness that greedy corporate entities have created. It's like The cops that take money from drug dealers and number runners and act like everything is cool. Then at any given moment can go oh yeah you're under arrest I'm taking you in.
13. Do you think there should be more conferences for hiphop artists, dj's, and labels geared toward the betterment of hiphop?
I think it would be great. But I think it's hardly about what I think though. Like responsibility, pertaining to hiphop and life in general is firstly a personal thing. If we refine ourselves and our neighbors it will reflect in the music. The music is a mirror of where we are as people anyway. What we feel. What we have to say. In order for there to be progress within the art we do need communication between the likes of artist labels and DJ's and everyone else involved.
14. Over the years the hiphop culture has had a powerful impact on society. Rappers Jay- Z, 50 cent, and others have solidified other business careers outside of music. Do you think hiphop artists are doing enough for the culture that made their other business careers possible?
Some do. Some don't. I can't really say what anyone else should do. I think some though don't realize what's capable of being done while others don't really care. That's just the nature of man. All I can do is show and prove through my actions. That's what I'm most concerned about. Refining me. Being in control of the history I create for myself through my actions that in turn have an affect on those I interact with both knowingly and unknowingly.
I appreciate your questions.
I enjoyed answering them.
I thank you for the opportunity to express these ideas and thoughts.
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