
Remix Hotel: I forgot about these photos...
Photo Journal 5-17-07

"Dress code for here? Yeah right..."

"99 Cents Store No More"
The last picture in today's semi-daily photo journal was taken on Mt. Eden Avenue in the Bronx, where 2 of New York's Bravest lost their lives in a tragic fire that was more then likely set. Rest In Peace Michael C. Reilly and Lt. Howard J. Carpluk Jr.
I Shot The Readers, But I Didn't Shoot The Spinner Zine

So I’m surfing and stumble upon Spinner's online reader pole for, ’20 Worst Song Lyrics Ever’. At number 20 Bob Marley’s ‘I Shot The Sheriff’ is listed for the lyrics, "I shot the sheriff But I didn't shoot no deputy". The site posted a comment I suppose, at random from the many there must have been to conclude that in fact Bob’s lyrics to ‘I Shot The Sheriff’ belonged on this list. Lisa from Long Island had this to say, ‘Who gives a crap, you're still going to jail!!!’. Now, here’s what I’m thinking. 3 possible reasons immediately came to mind as to why a person would make such a statement. The first, let’s blame it on sheer ignorance. A lack of understanding of what the song really meant. Next, there’s a possibility that like many songs that we hear or claim to know for years, this particular individual never actually listened to more of the lyrics, then those famous introductory words. Lastly, Lisa may just be a mean, hateful person who does indeed understand the lyrics but really doesn’t care about the situation in the song discussed. Who gives a crap? Plain and simple. What’s really disconcerting and disheartening to me is the fact that this was a pole meaning not only one, but a number of people voted in agreement. In closing, all I can say is, this is truly sad.
Bob Marley
I Shot The Sheriff
(I shot the sheriff
But I didn't shoot no deputy, oh no! Oh!
I shot the sheriff
But I didn't shoot no deputy, ooh, ooh, oo-ooh.)
Yeah! All around in my home town,
They're tryin' to track me down;
They say they want to bring me in guilty
For the killing of a deputy,
For the life of a deputy.
But I say:
Oh, now, now. Oh!
(I shot the sheriff.) - the sheriff.
(But I swear it was in selfdefence.)
Oh, no! (Ooh, ooh, oo-oh) Yeah!
I say: I shot the sheriff - Oh, Lord! -
(And they say it is a capital offence.)
Yeah! (Ooh, ooh, oo-oh) Yeah!
Sheriff John Brown always hated me,
For what, I don't know:
Every time I plant a seed,
He said kill it before it grow -
He said kill them before they grow.
And so:
[ Lyrics by: ]
Read it in the news:
(I shot the sheriff.) Oh, Lord!
(But I swear it was in self-defence.)
Where was the deputy? (Oo-oo-oh)
I say: I shot the sheriff,
But I swear it was in selfdefence. (Oo-oh) Yeah!
Freedom came my way one day
And I started out of town, yeah!
All of a sudden I saw sheriff John Brown
Aiming to shoot me down,
So I shot - I shot - I shot him down and I say:
If I am guilty I will pay.
(I shot the sheriff,)
But I say (But I didn't shoot no deputy),
I didn't shoot no deputy (oh, no-oh), oh no!
(I shot the sheriff.) I did!
But I didn't shoot no deputy. Oh! (Oo-oo-ooh)
Reflexes had got the better of me
And what is to be must be:
Every day the bucket a-go a well,
One day the bottom a-go drop out,
One day the bottom a-go drop out.
I say:
I - I - I - I shot the sheriff.
Lord, I didn't shot the deputy. Yeah!
I - I (shot the sheriff) -
But I didn't shoot no deputy, yeah! No, yeah!
Takin Flicks On Mudduh's Day
I had to run downtown for a bit to pick up a few things. I can't go into Manhattan without running into at least one person I know. So of course, the one individual I happened to run into while I was in the city was pulled into today's semi-daily photo journal post.

The the figure in the last photo is 'Belief', a very talented producer. Earlier in the week, I did a post entitled, '5 Truely Talented Artists You've Probably Never Heard Of''. Sumkid Majere was on of the five. Belief and Sum have a project together you should check out. Together they are, 'The Lone Wolf'.
Photo Journal 5-11-07

'Industrial Cleavage'
'Fire Boobs'
You know, I'm enjoying this. I'm really interested in what you folks think. Hopefully the images spark something in you. Leave comments or send me an email. If you think what you see is interesting enough forward the posting to a friend or colleague.
fotos by eklektic...
5 Truly Talented Artists You’ve Probably Never Heard Of.
This blog post was written in an effort to collaborate with the Problogger Group Writing Project
Sum(kid) Majere…
Outstanding on record, he’s a diverse lyricist with engaging storylines and extremely descriptive wordplay, Sum is much more then your average run of the mill emcee. A phenomenal writer of both poetry and prose he is fabricating a body of work that in future times will be respected as if etched in sacred scroll.
"September" length: 03:18
play HiFi (mp3) download (6.06 MB)
"Naked With My Cape On"
Buy 'The Lil Folk' today!
In passing this now Brooklyn resident on the street you’d never know this young man epitomizes what New York once cultivated in truly talented street poets. He’s not flashy, sorta quiet and virtually invisible. On stage though, the story is quiet different. Explosive and energetic with sharp delivery of certified street science, Gif is more then deserving of the label, ‘one of the best that ever did it’ already, that so liberally gets spread around these days.
"Change ft Kitty" length: 04:08
play HiFi (mp3) download (5.69 MB)
Anam Owili-Eger
There’s nothing like a soulful live performance. On first hearing Anam Owili-Eger, three names came to mind. Gil Scot Heron, Bill Withers & Eugene McDaniels. The likelihood of me ever just running out to purchase a cd from any artist is pretty small, but this kat really moved me. The Philly bro that currently resides in NY has a smokin ep entitled, These Subtle Declarations. His voice is smooth, as are his words. There’s an extreme potency within the subtleties, a simple complexity, definitely an inspiring sound. With a hint of Ayers along with a portion of Wonder, Anam channels the energy of his great predecessors without copying them. Anam sounds like Anam. ‘These Subtle Declarations’ is an EP with beautiful music composed by an individual that in person emanates a peaceful aura.
"Reason To Be - Anam Owili-Eger" length: 05:03
play HiFi (mp3)
Former member of Brooklyn based indie group Nuclear Family, shows why at times going solo is just the right thing to do. With an underground classic album, ‘Like A Heart Attack’ under his belt, and a follow up LP entitled, ‘The Necessary Evil’ US has set a bar for quality in eclectic style hiphop spoketry that most well known and unknown artist alike will never be capable of reaching, even with a fire engine ladder.
"All Cry - Us" length: 04:07
play HiFi (mp3) download (3.78 MB)
"Brooklyn (Break The System) - Us" length: 02:42
play HiFi (mp3) download (1.86 MB)
Tah Phrum Duh Bush
He’s a Flatbush resident who takes self promotion and networking to new heights that every independent artist should follow closely, is not to be taken for a joke. The silly and comical stage presence is just a portion of what he has to offer. On Tah’s album, ‘Sunshine Or Pure Shade’ he tackles the serious side of our existence on tracks like, ‘Life and Death Dichotomy’ and ‘2 Second Ejaculation’ where he confronts an individual on record that impregnated a close friend and runs from the responsibility.
"Phlatbush - Tah Phrum Duh Bush" length: 05:30
play HiFi (mp3) download (3.78 MB)

Outstanding on record, he’s a diverse lyricist with engaging storylines and extremely descriptive wordplay, Sum is much more then your average run of the mill emcee. A phenomenal writer of both poetry and prose he is fabricating a body of work that in future times will be respected as if etched in sacred scroll.
"September" length: 03:18
play HiFi (mp3) download (6.06 MB)
"Naked With My Cape On"
Buy 'The Lil Folk' today!

In passing this now Brooklyn resident on the street you’d never know this young man epitomizes what New York once cultivated in truly talented street poets. He’s not flashy, sorta quiet and virtually invisible. On stage though, the story is quiet different. Explosive and energetic with sharp delivery of certified street science, Gif is more then deserving of the label, ‘one of the best that ever did it’ already, that so liberally gets spread around these days.
"Change ft Kitty" length: 04:08
play HiFi (mp3) download (5.69 MB)

There’s nothing like a soulful live performance. On first hearing Anam Owili-Eger, three names came to mind. Gil Scot Heron, Bill Withers & Eugene McDaniels. The likelihood of me ever just running out to purchase a cd from any artist is pretty small, but this kat really moved me. The Philly bro that currently resides in NY has a smokin ep entitled, These Subtle Declarations. His voice is smooth, as are his words. There’s an extreme potency within the subtleties, a simple complexity, definitely an inspiring sound. With a hint of Ayers along with a portion of Wonder, Anam channels the energy of his great predecessors without copying them. Anam sounds like Anam. ‘These Subtle Declarations’ is an EP with beautiful music composed by an individual that in person emanates a peaceful aura.
"Reason To Be - Anam Owili-Eger" length: 05:03
play HiFi (mp3)

Former member of Brooklyn based indie group Nuclear Family, shows why at times going solo is just the right thing to do. With an underground classic album, ‘Like A Heart Attack’ under his belt, and a follow up LP entitled, ‘The Necessary Evil’ US has set a bar for quality in eclectic style hiphop spoketry that most well known and unknown artist alike will never be capable of reaching, even with a fire engine ladder.
"All Cry - Us" length: 04:07
play HiFi (mp3) download (3.78 MB)
"Brooklyn (Break The System) - Us" length: 02:42
play HiFi (mp3) download (1.86 MB)

He’s a Flatbush resident who takes self promotion and networking to new heights that every independent artist should follow closely, is not to be taken for a joke. The silly and comical stage presence is just a portion of what he has to offer. On Tah’s album, ‘Sunshine Or Pure Shade’ he tackles the serious side of our existence on tracks like, ‘Life and Death Dichotomy’ and ‘2 Second Ejaculation’ where he confronts an individual on record that impregnated a close friend and runs from the responsibility.
"Phlatbush - Tah Phrum Duh Bush" length: 05:30
play HiFi (mp3) download (3.78 MB)
Photo journal returns...
There was a time when I would take at least 200 or so photos every morning. I intend on returning to those times. For me, taking photos serves multiple purposes. I enjoy photography. I love taking photos of interesting objects. Color. Shapes. But then there’s the creation of a personal archive of stock photography for future graphical work.
So I’m going to be doing a daily photo journal. Or if anything I’ll be posting new images every other day. Let me know what you think about what you see…
I need a larger memory card…
So I’m going to be doing a daily photo journal. Or if anything I’ll be posting new images every other day. Let me know what you think about what you see…
I need a larger memory card…
Reflecting... On Self...

Open Letter To The Wonder Twinz…
May I Speak To A Human Please...?

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